Wednesday, August 29, 2007


This is probably the biggest difference in the last two job opportunities I've had. It's kinda nebulous for me to think about, so probably the best way to explain it was one was all talk and no walk and the other didn't need to talk because its walk did all the talking for the company.

Legitimacy usually refers to the authority of a given organization or person. Most western governments are considered pretty legit. Mr. Policeman can tell you to get out of your car. You will probably do this because you know he can get you in trouble if you don't; plus he has a gun. (but not everyone does this.) Then after you flip him off and call him a pig, he will continue to ask nicely for you to get out of the car for what seems like a completely unreasonable time. (I would have maced you long before I ask you the 10th time, methinks) Then, finally, after you have resisted his authority for WAY too long, he has the delightful assignment of tazering you until fall out of the car. While this can be VERY funny, it also teaches us several things.

1. Tazers hurt.
2. 3rd party people usually can see when you're pushing the limits.
3. The more authority someone has, the more you should listen to what they're saying. (I'd listen more to the supreme court than a meter maid)
4. Tazers really, really hurt.

Then Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me." - Matthew 28:18

That is quite a bit of authority. Maybe we should listen to him. Jesus has big tazers. He is even more patient than the policeman, but I wouldn't push it, He's got a big gun. And He is legit.

I really have no idea how this morphed from a talk about my job to Jesus tazering people out of vehicles, but I think it's all good.

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