Tuesday, October 30, 2007

The Marathon Weekend

I stayed up all Saturday night after going to a haunted corn maze and getting back late and being scheduled for the 3-4am block for the 24 hours of prayer at the Elevation office. (run on sentences are fun!) So after the prayer was over some guys went to waffle house and I ordered way too much food. I then went on over to church with my maiden voyage in the yellow truck. (I normally drive the white one, and I've found it's way cooler.) Setup went super fast because we had most of the guys from the prayer experience come on over to help. While barely being able to hold my eyes open, I had to sit through all 3 services and go up on stage with some other people for a sermon illustration where pastor basically sealed the fate of a ton of "my" money. After 3rd service, we had a Dominate lunch where pastor basically explains some concerns people may have about Dominate. After this, I pretty much died as I drove the truck back to the storage unit to get my car because I realized I had the leadership commitment thing to go to at 6. YAY! I get to stay up for a few more hours! So I did what any self respecting person in my situation would do.... I went to Barns & Noble and read Shel Silversteen books in the children's section with some friends in a state of twilight consciousness. Around 5:45 I left to go to the leadership thing and they fed us Qdoba. (This was supposed to be the end of a 24 hour fast, but I shifted my fast 24 hours ahead to Monday.) The commitment event was amazing. I felt I could stay up another 3 days after being there. We went to get some ice cream and then I went home to sleep for 6 hours before work.

I'm still tired on Tuesday evening!

P.S. - I have kinda slacked off on blogging my opinions about what I consider "profound" things after reading this recently.

James 3:1 - Not many of you should presume to be teachers, my brothers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly.

I still plan to do it from time to time, but I'm gonna view it a little differently.


kelly said...

you can't say that the barnes and noble thing wasn't entertaining.
at least you got to squeeze yourself into that awesome chair, right?

you're awesome for surviving all that.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you didn't actually die on the way to take the truck.